Saturday 25 April 2015

Introduction - Our Holy Grail Beauty Product?

Hello everyone! Before you delve into exploring our blog, it's best that we introduce ourselves. From left to right, our names are Amy, Myura, Mahak and Manisha. We are four Macquarie Uni students who are passionate about the makeup and beauty world. Although we're young, between the four of us, we've had a lot of makeup highs and lows. We've learnt a lot.

So, you may be wondering - girls, what is your ultimate holy grail product? Something that will make me beautiful every time I use it, without fail? Well, good news. It comes directly from you, its benefits will transcend every part of your life, and it won't cost you a cent. No, it's not a cream, a mask or a magical gel. It's CONFIDENCE. That's it!

Our blog is not a run-of-the-mill beauty blog. We believe that makeup, when applied correctly and tailored to you, can make you more confident. It is not simply a tool used to hide your 'problem areas', but rather, something that can enhance the features of yourself that you love most. So you can show the best and happiest side of yourself to the world.

Okay, you must think we're on crazy pills or something. This could be up there in the list of the corniest things you've ever read. And you might click off this blog right now and go watch some videos of pugs on skateboards. But if you're just a little bit curious about the #beautysiconfidence revolution, and also want some great makeup tips and tricks for expressing the real you, take a look around! We may surprise you.


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