Tuesday 26 May 2015

Let Me Take A (Honest) Selfie

Dove has produced many campaigns about beauty and their recent ‘Selfie’ campaign shows how beauty is simply a state of mind!

Girls of the Monument Mountain Regional High School and their mothers were asked to take an honest selfie; no filters and no edits. The honest selfie had to incorporate their insecurities. The girls and their mothers’ explained their insecurities in the video and how they get ready to take a selfie. From the positioning of themselves in the selfie to the makeup they use to hide their flaw, many girls expressed how difficult it was to get the perfect selfie. The honest selfies were then printed and arranged in an exhibit in the high school for everyone’s viewing pleasure. Students of the high school wrote compliments beneath the selfie mostly on what that person’s insecurities were. The experience allowed the girls and their mothers to realise just how beautiful they were and appreciate it. Many of them changed their opinion on their insecurities and embraced them!

Photo sourced from: www.trendinspiracio.hu
Michael Crook, a professional photographer and the women who worked with Dove on this campaign used this experiment to tell the girls that social media allows you to redefine beauty through taking a honest selfie. Many girls get influenced by social media on what beauty is but social media also gives you the power to redefine beauty.

So my advice to you is to take an honest selfie and share to with the world because after all beauty is confidence!

- Manisha

Click below to watch ‘Selfie’ campaign and be inspired:

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